| Enigmai |
Pedigrees ~ Stud Dogs
We have certainly learnt the trials and tribulations of breeding over the years, but I don't think we would have got this far without the help of all the excellent stud dogs owners from that first recommendation by Mrs Eileen Dimmock, Heidi's breeder, and without all their help along the way, breeding would still be a mystery to us.
So ladies - thank you all very much!
We have used all these stud dogs with our girls over the years, the first being Woody owned by Julie Durham (Donrobby Dogs), followed by Jim & Marion Wiggin's Towser (Whyteplace Cavaliers) and thence on to Godfrey, Wilfred (Godrey's son) and Jonas, all three owned by Paula Stark (Tayfern Cavaliers). June 2010 saw us off to Pewsey in Wiltshire with Jade to Margaret Kirkham's (Marlhouse Cavaliers) Gunner followed by a return mating in January 2011 followed eight days later with Willow mating with Heather Cooper's (Dandermel Cavaliers) Jester. The end of September 2011 saw us off to Margaret at Pewsey again with Lucy to mate with Dexter, Gunner's son. Easter week 2012 entailed a successful visitation with Jester with Jade, the result being Crystal and Max, followed by our trip to see Tom & Patricia Smith's (Sapphireisle Cavaliers) Toby at Salisbury at the beginning of November that year.
Early 2014 saw us off to Salisbury and Toby yet again with Willow for a mating giving us five Easter Sunday puppies, and with finally mating Crystal (Enigmai Lady Crystal Megara) with Ace (Enigmai Sir Triphane Cadmus at Pacchibei owned by Julie Webb of Pacchibei Cavaliers we have a new gentleman to add to the listing.
Moving into April 2017 where we introduced a new gentleman to the listing ~ Pam Rayner's Trirayne Chutney (Trirayne Cavaliers) whom we mated with Crystal. Such a brilliant match that we decided to use him again later in 2017 with Katie for her first litter, again this gentle gentleman proved his nature and the result was a Black & Tan boy and girl together with a Ruby boy and girl.
We followed that with going back to High Wycombe at the end of 2017 with Ziva to meet Karter (Trirayne Get Karter) resulting in two boys in early February 2018. Then in April that year off we went to High Wycombe again to see Chutney with Crystal who reared four Black and Tan boys with, unusually, not a white blemish anywhere to be seen ~ so coloured collars where the state of play right from the get go. As 2018 drew to a close we went down to Barton on Sea to take Ziva to meet Abbie's dad, Alfie, owned by Kim Waterman of Burleybeck Cavaliers. As always it was wait and see what 2019 would bring.
After the heartbreak of losing two litters we then had the joy of Abbie giving birth to her first litter, Lily, at the end of July 2020 with Katie waiting in the wings with her third litter. Unfortunately this turned out to be her last with only one surviving puppy, Annabella, and almost losing Katie due to complications.
2021 then saw us with a couple of failed matings vis-a-vis Ziva then Abbie and Mouse performed and gave a wonderful litter of five puppies ~ now we wait to see what 2022 brings about.
So far these 'boys', and girls of course, as at January 2022 have successfully reared 56 boys and 42 girls, some of whom have gone on to produce progeny of their own.
To see the pedigrees of these gentlemen just click on a button above or, using the same linking table as the photo page, click on their, or any, name below to follow the hyperlink to the relevant pedigree page.
Again, for ease of use (and neatness) the table is laid out in the order of their buttons and goes like this:~
Reviewed:~ Aug 2024