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20 Oct ~ Well Monty has returned home aftrer his holiday with us ~ I'm sure he is missing the rambunctious playtimes with the girls as much as they are him! They certainly seemed to do a lot of sleeping afterwards. Also as today would have been her birthday we remember with great fondness our first ever Cavalier, Heidi (Oakash Lady in Red at Enigmai), bought for us as a Christmas present by our son way back in 2000 a truly adorable little mother and grandmother. Hard to believe in the 22 years that have passed since her first litter we have bred ove a hundred puppies who have gone to many parts of the country.

15 Oct ~ Happy Birthday for today to Bella (Enigmai Lady Almandine Ceto) on the occasion of her fourth birthday. Katie's last baby ~ mummy sends birthday wishes.

23 Sep ~ Bit of a while since I had the time to update the website/facebook pages given evcrything thats been going on in Casa Cassidy, so time for a quick roundup. Firstly in memory of those whose birthdays would have been this week, which are :~ 23 September and born in 2004 are Chloe (Enigmai Lady Euclase Peitho) and Buffy (Enigmai Lady Pyrope Electra); 26 September from 2002 there is Amber (Enigmai Lady Amber Selene) and Cassie (Enigmai Lady Jade Atalanta), from 2004 there is Lucy (Enigmai Lady Iolite Jocasta), Keira (Enigmai Lady Andalusite Nyx), Monty (Enigmai Sir Kornerupine Pan), Ralph (Enigmai Sir Bixbite Hynos), Duchy (Enigmai Sir Iridot Neptune) and Molly (Enigmai Lady Onyx Aphrodite) and finally from 2005 we remember Maximus (Enigmai Sir Azurite Perseus), Poppy (Enigmai Lady Albite Helena), Diesel (Enigmai Sir Howlite Mithras) and Harvey (Enigmai Sir Heliolite Koios).

Many thanks to everyone who has sent us pictures of their loved ones I WILL get around to updating their photo pages. Also we had the pleasure of having Lady to stay for a week, which went down very well with Oona and Abbie and now we look forward to young Monty coming to visit for 17 days ~ I foresee much playing with mummy and sister!

8 Aug ~ Well, what a quiet house ours is. All pups now in their new homes and I have managed to create photo and pedigree pages for all of them as well as the various master link pages to get you to them. In addition, as well as updating the Rainbow's Bridge page with recent passings Abbie has a new page with pictures of her latest litter, plus Buddy and Coco have updates with pictures of their recent birthdays.

31 Jul ~First off, apologies to Mark and Becky for missing Lily's fourth birthday on Monday - pictures gratefully received and her webpage will be updated as soon as. Speaking of Monday, Astrid and Chris came to visit on Monday and Moses is now Monty and will be going to his new home on Sunday morning ~ the third of the litter to be going to the Newbury area. Additionally, pictures of Milo, Penny, Holly and Lady also gratefully received as well as how they are settling in their new homes ~ now to create their webpages so they can be shown.

21 Jul ~ That strange time has come upon us yet again when a litter of puppies go to their new homes - or in this case, and for the first time ever, four out of five as young Moses is still with us and hoping for a new home with a loving family. Name wise Milo stays with his birth name, Mia is now Lady, Megan is now Holly and Mandy is now Penny. We wish them all happiness with their new families. However, if you or someone you know would like to adopt Moses then drop us a line here

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15 Jul ~Lovely visit from Alicia and family yesterday to see their new boy Milo and some puppy playtime. One of three pups going next weekend, which will leave Moses and Mia still looking for their new forever homes.

28 Jun ~ As well as still having some puppies from Abbies litter needing new forever homes we also remember some departed pups waiting over Rainbow's Bridge for their owners to play with them. They are Rosie (Enigmai Lady Fluor Titulina), Sadie (Enigmai Lady Garnet Alethia), Harry (Enigmai Sir Thorite Numitor) and Ruby (Enigmai Lady Manalite Maera)

17 Jun ~ Birthday wishes today to Bo (Enigmai Sir Silex Galahad), Buddy (Enigmai Sir Augite Herakles), Harley (Enigmai Sir Tektite Latinus) and Ralph (Enigmai Sir Hafnon Aequitas) who are celebrating their 6th Birthday today and also Poppy Enigmai (Lady Capillitite Io), who as we said below is celebrating her 15th Birthday tomorrow and also remembering her littermates Ace (Enigmai Sir Triphane Cadmus at Pacchibei) and Ella (Enigmai Lady Kamacite Carna).

10 Jun ~ Just a couple of birthdays today ~ brother and sister celebrating their 12th birthday; Max (Enigmai Sir Soranus Flint) and our own Crystal (Enigmai Lady Crystal Megara) ~ the progeny of Jade's last litter.

8 Jun ~ Another one of those good days/bad days this week. Alicia and Martin e-mailed to inform us that sadly Teddy (Enigmai Sir Bismuth Cheiron) had sady passed over Rainbow's Bridge on the 4th June, just a few short weeks after celebrating his 13th birthday on the 22nd March. Our thoughts and sympathies are with them at this upsetting time.

On a more happier note Abbie's babies are progressing well with their eyes just starting to open ~ hardly seems real that it is a fortnight already since they wer born. Next step weaning ~ glorious messy fun (Not). In addition Pat C has sent us a photo of Poppy (Enigmai Lady Capillitite Io), in among the poppies, in preparation for her 15th birthday on the 18th June.
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Poppy in among the poppies at Parham House
Mandy, Milo, Mia, Moses and Megan

27 May ~ Well congratulations to our own dear Abbie for blessing us with five little fur-babies Saturday night/Sunday morning. Jumped on our bed at just gone 11PM saturday night for a cuddle and before you could say "Contraction" she gave birth to Milo on our bed! Ah well, a first we could have done without I must admit and bedding is easily washed, but at least the puppy was AOK. Move mummy and puppy to the study for a proper whelping environment (and more owner bed friendly) where Mia popped into the world at 0005 Sunday morning, followed releatively quickly by Megan at 0050 and Mandy at 0103 then a bit of a rest until 0323 when Moses decided to join us. As you may notice in keeping with our tradition over the decades as it is the month of May all the names begin with M. Mum and pups contently resting, feeding, resting, feeding.....well you get the picture. Picture below of mum and children.

Abbie with Milo, Mia, Moses, Mandy and Megan

12 May ~ With sad we have to announce that Tony and family informed us that Stan (Enigmai Sir Strontian Turms) sadly passed away yesterday at the grand age of 12-1/2 after a brief illness. We know he will be sadly missed by Tony, Yuriko and Jasmine and our thoughts are with them at this very sad time.
AddendumTony just sent this brilliant picture of Stan so I thought I would add it as well; needless to say his name has been added to our Rainbow's Bridge rememberance page.

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Stan on the occasion of his 12th Birthday
Tony's excellent study of an attentive Stan

8 May ~ Birthday greetings today to Teddy (Enigmai Sir Dolomite Helios) celebrating his 14th birthday and also in remembrance to his sisters Millie (Enigmai Lady Diatomite Roma) and Lexie (Enigmai Lady Diamond Furina). We are now just waiting over the next three weeks as Abbie has been scanned with five, possibly six little ones after her successful mating with Bertie.

30 Apr ~ Just days later and it is Happy 8th Birthday to our own lovable extrovert Katie. Sadly, we also remember Honey (Enigmai Lady Rosolite Pax) and Bella (Enigmai Lady Topaz Alcestis) who would have been sixteen today.

27 Apr ~ Well no birthdays today just to publish a couple of pictures that Bev and Alan sent of Patch (Enigmai Sir Sinopal Orpheus) and Honey (Enigmai Lady Praseme Enodia) which had been overlooked when O2/Virgin decided to send about 50 e-mails in one go. Certainly looking good for their ages.

And as a bonus I have managed to catch up on all the photo e-mails so Abbie, Crystal, Honey(2), Izzie, Katie, Mollie, Oona, Patch and Ziva have all had their photo pages updated.

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Patch   Honey

20 Apr ~ Birthday time again and today it is to wish Nero, Izzie, Honey(2), Murphy and our own Ziva a Happy 10th Birthday ~ all from Willow's last litter in 2014 with Toby (Wightisle Total Eclipse). Vicky has sent us a photo of birthday girl Izzie enjoying the beach so it seems fair to include her sister Ziva. Then I thought I might as well complete the 'Rogues Gallery' with the rest of the tribe. Needless to say I will include them all on their own photo pages at the first opportunity.

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Izzie   Ziva

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Crystal   Katie   Abbie and daughter Oona

7 Apr ~ Just a quick update to say that there is a new chap added to the list of stud dogs ~ Bertie by name or to give hime his pedigree name, Burleybeck Albert Prince Consort, and many thanks to Kim for letting us have the privilege of using him with Abbie. One of those perfect timings when you go for a cytology test to see if she's ready for mating and the stud dog says she is! Anyway I have created his own picture and pedigree pages which are at here for his picture page and here for his pedigree page

2 Apr ~ Well Microsoft updates struck again and I managed to miss some important events and not miss others. Sooo..... belated 13th Birthday wishes to Oscar, Bertie (1), Timmy and Queenie and also In Memorium to their brother Buster for the 28th March. Thankfully Karen sent us birthday photos of Oscar and with Lottie which nudged the synapses into checking mode.

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Oscar   Oscar with Lottie

22 Mar ~ With everything going on with life it is hard to believe it has been a month since I updated the website. Ziva, who can't have puppies, is coming to the end of her season; Oona who should have had her season, hasn't yet and Abbie is having a season is keeping us fooled as when she is ready for mating, so it is off to Barton-on-Sea tomorrow AM to see Kim for a cytology test to see whats what ~ and maybe a mating. Who can tell with our girls!
Meanwhile ~ Happy 13th Birthday to Teddy, Riley, Hollie(2) and Charlotte for 22nd March, followed by a Happy 5th Birthday to Dash, Bertie (3) and Ruby (2) for 23rd March and In Memorium Poppy (3) (22nd March) and Sasha (23rd March)

20 Feb ~Time to remember today two brothers, Zolo and Jonty who reached the grand ages of 15 and 12 respectively. Also after a long trip to, at and back to Worplesdon everybody two- and four-legged were glad to be home and a meal at Table Table was more than welcoming.

16 Feb ~ Happy 5th Birthday to Mollie, Percy, Reuben and Charlie for today. Hope you are all enjoying your day. Marvelous reminiscent photo's and video clips of Percy and co. on Anna's Facebook page and below is a photo that Mick and Tricia sent of Mollie the other day.

14 Feb ~ Well... finally finished the bienniel review of the website only 371 web pages and almost 4000 images of dogs, puppies, etc. covering the last 21 years of breeding wonderful dogs and many happy owners. Off to Worplesdon this Sunday for the annual cardiologist examination.

8 Feb ~ Time to wish happy 8th birthday to our own Katie today. Might be now classed as a Senior but that does not stop her from teaching the youngest how to chase and play fight!

2 Feb ~New month ~ new birthdays and today it is the sixth birthday of Prince and Hamlet, Ziva's first litter in 2018.

28 Jan ~ Another day of remembrance today as we remember Zak, Monty and Hollie from Lucy's first litter in 2007. Play on over Rainbow's Bridge little ones.

22 Jan ~ Remembering today Charlie, Ollie, Dylan, Bumble and Lola from Amber's third litter in 2007 ~ gone but not forgotten.

5 Jan ~ Sadly Sue has let us know that Lexie had to pay her final vet visit just before New Year; our thoughts are with her at her loss especially after losing Lexie's daughter Lottie in February. Confident in the hope that all three of the girls are playing together over Rainbow's Bridge and awaiting you.

2 Jan ~ With the rain lashing down it is great to have a joyful moment by wishing Happy 10th Birthday to Patch, Teddy, Coco and Sophie from Willow's second litter in 2013. Have a great day little ones.

1 Jan 2024 ~ Happy New Year to all our family and friends ~ hope you have a good one.

27 Dec ~ Well Christmas duly celebrated with Mass and family dinner and meanwhile a new tricolour has appeared in the house! As a treat for my birthday and Christmas I spoilt myself by buying the set of Jecka Cavalier King Charles Spaniel models of which we will have the set of five as there is two versions of the Tricolour - one broken, one heavily marked. For want of a better description they are Chinese Lego but secured by little locking pins so you can pick tem up whenever you want without fear of them falling apart. Just some pictures of same below and if you are interested in technical details it stands 8 inches (20.4cm) high and is 12-1/2 inches (31.9cm) in length using 1170 bricks. Next up is either the Blenheim, the well-broken Tricolour or the Ruby or even the Black and Tan!

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As it comes

Bags of lots of bits

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Profile shot #1 Profile shot #2

19 Dec ~A day of memory today for brothers Gizmo, Marbles and Sizzles from Sasha's second litter in 2007 but also for Monty from Lucy's first litter also in 2007 as Jean's son informed of his passing together with a photo which is now on his picture page.

15 Dec ~ Finally reached the end of reviewing/updating all the photo pages ~ a mere 200+ ~ just the others to review and update the META data now. If you spot any that I have missed or got wrong ~ or you want to send some new pics ~ just drop us an e-mail. Even the shed/workshop is taking a back foot for birthday and Christmas (it's too cold anyway) so to finish this year was a trip to Basingstoke for Tango Sierra to be installed for the daughters big 50.

Tango Sierra-2023_12_15.jpg

10 Dec ~ Mixed blessings today as it is Happy 15th Birthday to Coby and Jasper, but R.I.P. their sister Willow and brother Louis. Hopefully everybody received their Christmas card and I haven't overlooked anybody this year.

8 Dec ~ Remembering today the brothers Bailey and Charlie from Lucy's second litter in 2007 and also our own dear Willow who would have been 15 on the 10th. Poor Crystal is feeling the worse for wear after her day at the vets and having all but two of her remaining teeth removed, and my wallet removed of more than a few hundred pounds. Still they are worth the expense ~ otherwise we would not have them, would we? All on top of having to get a new microwave, a new television and a new battry for the car ~ we were glad to see the back of November that's for sure.

26 Nov ~ Good news first..... Happy 12th Birthday to Stan and Hendricks for tomorrow (Picture of Stan and Tony below); reviews of the photo pages is progressing with all up to Marbles updated and uploaded. Another milestone passed last week with three-and-a-half licence inspection by the dear ladies of the Animal Welfare Department of Eastleigh Borough Council - a couple of tweaks to make and hopefully we should have another five star pass for the next three years.

On the opposite side of the coin we lost the internet and our e-mail yet again but managed to reboot everything. Worst of all got in the car Saturday night to go the church and ended up calling out the RAC as it would not start. Hopefully they are coming back Monday afternoon with a new battery to get us on the road. Amazing working no problem Friday afternoon but come Saturday dead battery ~ isn't new technology wonderful?


17 Nov ~Well, I have made a start on updating the pages of the website with updated photo's and am taking the time to update the META data at the same time. With over a hundred puppies over the last twenty years this could take a few moments ~ so don't despair if you have sent us a photo or three they WILL appear. So far the twelve that have shared our home have had all their photo pages updated and now I will be going from A to Z.

11 Nov ~Appropriately for Rememberance Day we would like to wish a Happy 6th Birthday to Bugsy, Cilla, Matsy and Nico. Mick has sent us a picture of Matsy ~ others gratefully accepted. Still getting things ready for the licensing inspection so I will update each photo page when I get a spare moment.

26 Oct ~ More birthdays to celebrate today with Mouse and Rosie celebrating their eighth birthday, progeny of Crystal's first litter.

23 Oct ~ Well what a month these past few weeks have been! Mum's funeral mass, trip up to the midlands for her interment, Willow returned to us and now safely buried in the garden with the other past members and mail problems with the merger of 02 and Virgin.

Enough of the gloom........belated birthday greeting to Bella who was 3 on the 15th October. Also many happy returns for today to Poppy, Dusty, Pebbles, Maggie, Ivy, Leia and Oona from Abbie's mega-liter and who are all celebrating their first birthday.

Here are a few of the furry ones that we have received so far and they will be incorporated into their photo pages as soon as,

Cilla_Bella_Dusty-2023_10_22-1.jpg Dusty-2023_10_10.jpg Leia_Pebbles-2023_10_01.jpg
Leia and Pebbles
Pebbles-2023_08_19.jpg Ivy-2023_09_17.jpg Trish_Oona-2023_10_17.jpg
(In the river)
Ivy Trish and Oona

24 Sep ~ Memory time again as we remember Buffy and Chloe from Heidi's third litter way back in 2004 - where do the years go?

12 Sep ~Well, it might be a few weeks since our last news bulletin but it has certainly not been a quiet time for us. First we lost Trish's mum in the wee small hours one month shy of her 98th birthday so our time has been concentrated on everything that that entails. Then, as if that news was not sad enough, our beloved Willow who has been the matriarch of the pack for some years sadly had to make the journey over Rainbow's Bridge when age and failing health finally caught up with her at three months shy of 15th birthday. As with all our other travellers she is in the tender care of Silvermere Haven before being returned to us.

Willow - Final Vet Visit - 2023_09_05.jpg
Willows final vet visit

28 Jun ~ Not so much birthdays as remeberance for Rosie, Sadie, Ruby and Harry who were Amber's last litter in 2009 and have all now sadly passed over Rainbow's Bridge.

20 Jun ~Today we have four young gentlemen celebrating their 6th Birthday and they are Ziggy, Jasper, Bertie and Chunk. Have a good birthday and best wishes from mum Crystal. In addition here is a picture of Poppy enjoying an early morning birthday walk in Lullworth Cove.

17 Jun ~ Well birthday honours time again for today it is Happy 5th Birthday to Bo, Buddy, Harley & Ralph ~ enjoy your day boys.

At the opposite end of the age spectrum it is Happy 14th Birthday to Poppy (Enigmai Lady Capillitite Io) for tomorrow; whilst also remembering with fondness her brother Ace (Enigmai Sir Triphane Cadmus at Pacchibei) and sister Ella (Enigmai Lady Kamacite Carna). Poppy has been on many adventures with Pat, who writes for The Peoples Friend, and has graciously allowed to share the link to an article in The Peoples Friend celebrating Poppy's 14th Birthday. Just follow this link to read the article.

Lovely visit this week as well as Alan and Beverley brought Patch and Honey around for a visit ~ needless to say there was a very happy puppy to make them feel at home! Also here is photo of Matsy and Mollie enjoying a bit of early coolness in the garden ~ many thanks to Mick and Tricia for this one.

10 Jun ~ Birthday time again and this time it is 11th birthday wishes to our own 'little' Crystal and her brother Max ~ mum Jade's last litter in 2012. If we can get her out from under the couch and off the cool mat I'll try and get a photo of her. Speaking of photo's Pat C sent us a picture of Poppy enjoying a walk down Lullworth Cove.


3 Jun ~ Well I have finally caught up with most of the jobs around the house which gave me a bit of time to catch up with all the e-mails and pictures received ~ so I have been able to incorporate new photo's into Willow, Ziva, Abbie, Oona, Katie, Bella (Annabella), Cilla, Coby, Dash, Dusty, Hendricks, Izzie, Molly (3), Oscar, Teddy (1), as well as correcting a few other faults that arose. So enjoy and enjoy the sunshine.

And in case anybody says that Cavaliers don't like milk, here's a shot of the girls enjoying their bedtime saucers of milk before going out to be clean.

8 May ~ Well after all the fun of the King's coronation and street party it is time to wish happy birthday to Lexie and Teddy and remember their departed sister Millie ~ all from Lucy's fourth litter.

2 May ~ Sadly just after I did the last update Sharon sent an e-mail to inform that sadly Willow's brother Coby had passed away. Our thoughts are with her and her family at their loss and it has to be said that we are are dreading that moment when Willow herself succumbs to the ravages of time. A picture of this fine old gentleman is below.

At the same time Grace sent us some photos of Dash (Katie's second litter) of which I have put a couple below.

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Coby Dash

30 Apr ~ Time flying on, as it does, and it is time to wish a happy 7th Birthday to our madcap ruby ~ Katie by name. We also remember two departed sisters ~ Honey and Bella, who would have been 15 years old today.

20 Apr ~ Happy 9th Birthday to Nero, Izzie, Honey(2), Murphy and our own (mischievous) Ziva for today. In addition Poppy from Abbie's last litter is now to be known as Molly - Laura has sent us some nice pictures of said puppy which I will upload as soon as possible.

31 Mar ~ Well another sopping wet day to her in 'sunny' Chandlers Ford ~ thank the good Lord there was not this degree of liquid sunshine when Trish and I were married 50 years ago today ~ cold but no rain. Where have the years gone??

Another drawback to your computer blowing both brains is having to rebuild you contacts list and calendar evenets ~ to which Happy (belated) 12th Birthday to Oscar, Bertie, Timmy and Queenie for 3oth March and In Memorium to their brother Buster ~ all from Willow's first litter in 2011. In addition Karen sent us a picture of birthday boy Oscar - see below.


23 Mar ~ Happy 4th Birthday today to Ruby, Dash and Bertie who were puppies from Katie's second litter with Chutney. Not forgetting our memories of our own cheeky (but naughty) Sasha who left us all too soon at age seven.

21 Mar ~ Well what a month it has been since the last update !!! Mum-in-law fell out of bed and broke her other femur - she broke the right one on her 95th birthday - now she has both pinned and held together with a rod. The reason that there has not been any updates is (a) hospital visiting and (b) due to a power surge of some kind both hard drives in my computer crashed beyond repair so it required the help of James at Online PC Support to rebuild the machine itslf and then recover/install all my programmes and files. Thanks God I use their services to back all my documents, photos and videos to the cloud otherwise all would be lost instead of just some of them that were on the second hard drive or part of the back-up process. Ah well you live and learn even at my age - its a bit like plumbers, etc having the least maintained house themselves, I use to be a system manager and teach PC Maintenance and Upgrading - go figure! Now I have the painful process of rebuilding my calendar with the added pain of rebuilding my contacts.

Anyway enough of my woes as we need to wish Teddy, Riley, Holly(2) and Charlotte a Happy 12th Birthday as well as remembering their sister Poppy who has passed over Rainbow's Bridge - all from Jade's second litter in 2011.

26 Feb ~ Well the annual pilgrimage to Worplesdon for heart testing with Dave Fisher the cardiologist is now complete for another year. Old hat to the adults but a new experience for little Oona with an hours travel each way plus almost an hour waiting, but she handled it well including telling some bearded collies and labradors to keep their distance.

Sadly there is also bad news as Karen & Oli let us know that Sadie had passed over Rainbow's Bridge on Friday to join her housemate Buster. Always a sad time when you lose a member of the family, especially after almost 14 years. Karen also sent us some pictures of the lady herself which are below and will go on her photo page.

Sadie-2023_01_01-1.jpg Sadie-2023_01_01-2.jpg

25 Feb ~Another day of memories today as we remember our own dear Jade who would have been 15 today if illness had not overtaken her.

16 Feb ~In Memorium today to Sasha's babies from her first litter in 2006 ~ Jonty, who passed in 2018 and his brother Zolo who passed over Rainbow's Bridge in 2021. Willow continues to improve after having her lump removed and is now glad to have her soft collar finally off. Oona continues to grow and responds well to her clicker training but can still be a holy terror when it comes to playing with the others ~ when she#s not running off with shoes and Crocs that is. Usually it is mum Abbie but quite often it is Katie who acts like an overgrown puppy herself when it comes to Oona, whereas when the adults are getting ready for their morning walk it is Ziva playing chase with her ~ the rest of the time she just haughtily ignores her. Picture of a rare static picture of mum and daughter below.


16 Feb ~Happy 4th Birthday to Mollie, Charlie, Percy and Reuben from Ziva's second (and last) litter in 2019 ~ hope you all enjoy your day. Willow continues to improve after having a golf ball sized lump removed from the inside of her ear; it was a worrying moment for us as she is now 14 and with a grade 4/5 heart mumur. Thankfully the lump was benign but she is getting fed up having to wear a soft collar 24/7.

8 Feb ~ Happy 7th Birthday today to our own Katie (Ticonjah Angel's Nectar At Enigmai) who still thinks she is a puppy at times ~ Oona seems to have given her a new lease of life as she competes with mum Abbie for play and chase rights!

2 Feb ~Happy 5th Birthday today to Hamlet and Prince from Ziva's first litter in 2008.

29 Jan ~ More memories today, this time for Lucy's first litter in 2007 which were Zak, Hollie and Monty. On a lighter note whilst I am sorting through and updating various photos (as well as having to redo the puppy video due to some mysterious interference corrupting it) here is a little cameo shot of Oona hiding under mistress's skirt to get away from that nasty vacuum cleaner - and looking to mummy for reassurance!

25 Jan ~ Remembrance time today, in this case forf our own Jade (Pacchibei's Sheer Magic At Enigmai) and five of Amber's children which in this case are Charlie (1), Ollie, Dylan, Bumble and Lola from her litter in 2007.

Now that I have finished assembling 11,000+ pieces of Lego into the Harry Potter Hogwarts Express and Hogwarts Castle I can now concentrate on things puppy and website; this also includes editing the various bits of video to make a comprehensive rendition of the first eight weeks of Abbie's litter as previous owners will know this can take a little time. Plus having to update picture pages with the latest photo's that have been sent plus one name change which is that Eliza is now known as Ivy, which will be another change to include in the update mix with new photos of the lady in question.

2 Jan ~ First off, Happy New Year to all our friends and puppy owners ~ past and present. Secondly, Happy 10th Birthday to Patch, Teddy, Coco and Sophie for today. Then thirdly, on the Oona front, training is coming along very well although she is one of those puppy's who has decided Royal Canin is not for her but she does rather enjoy Lily's Kitchen - shades of Dash revisited. It has to be said that it can get more than a bit noisy now that the older dogs are starting to interact with her and play. Abbie is teaching her about sharing toys and tug, both Katie and Abbie are teaching her the art of hide and chase whilst Crystal is teaching the art of mouthing and barking. Meanwhile Willow is showing her the art of evasion and Ziva aptly demonstrates the art of staying well away on the couch or allowing cuddling up for sleep under the couch. Never a dull moment in this house!

24 Dec ~ Firstly, we remember brothers Gizmo, Marbles and Sizzles from Sasha's second litter and who would now be celebrating their fifteenth birthdays.

On a happier note, I have now completed new pedigree and photo pages for Dusty, Eliza, Leia, Maggie, Oona, Pebbles and Poppy; PLUS trwling through the e-mails I found some I did not even know I had and consequently between those and Christmas e-mails I have been able to update the Photo pages for Chunk, Hendricks, Kingsley, Matsy, Max(2), Murphy, Nico, Poppy(2), Reuben and Stan. Sorry it has taken so long folks.

10 Dec ~ Sadly, Julie sent us notification of the sad loss of Ace (Enigmai Sir Triphane Cadmus at Pacchibei) last night at the grand age of thirteen and a half years old. He is of course the father of Mouse and Grandfather to all of Abbies puppies to date. Rest in peace young man.

As an addendum to my statement on names - as of today Orla is now Poppy.

9 Dec ~ Firstly we remember brothers Bailey and Charlie from Lucy's second litter who would have been 15 today. Secondly, Happy 14th to our own Willow and her brothers Jasper and Coby from Sasha's last litter ~ and also remembering their brother Louis who is waiting for them over Rainbow's Bridge.

Hard to believe that in just over a week from now the first of the pups will leave for their new homes with the remaining two leaving Sunday morning. Meanwhile those that it applies to are getting used to their new names as Olive is now Maggie and Olwyn is now Eliza, and next week they get their second car journey with a trip to our vets Monday morning for their final health check and Tuesday morning off to see Mr Mason at Seadown for their eye tests. Then it is a case of building their booklets and sorting photo's ready for the weekend - busy, busy, busy.

Meanwhile.....Dusty has found a new place to sleep in comfort in a new version of a penthouse suite and for a quick video of Pebbles and Maggie playing in the whelping box go to facebook, either the Enigmai Cavaliers page or my page


28 Nov ~ Well, all Abbie's puppies have now got new homes to go come 17th December and in some cases they also have new names that they are now getting used to. Orla will stay Orla, Olga is now Dusty, Opal is Pebbles, Odelle is now Leia, whilst Olwyn and Olive are still to be advised. Needless to say Oona will stay as Oona as we are keeping her for ourselves. If you go to facebook, either the Enigmai Cavaliers page or my page I have put a couple of mini videos of the puppies.

27 Nov ~ Firstly, and a bit belatedly happy 11th birthday to the brothers Stan and Hendricks from Lucy's last litter, with Stan appearing in a double spread of Your Dog to celebrate. Sorry it is a bit late in the day boys but 12 four-legged girls tend to take up a lot of time. Speaking of which time to feed the little dears again. I will attempt to sit down this evening and post some pictures of the littloe ones.

22 Nov ~ Well Abbie's puppies continue to go from strength to strength and are already on solid food and getting over the shock of moving from the study to the BIG play area at the bottom of the living room. We have decided that we are keeping little Oona and Orla will also have a new owner come mid-December. So that leaves just five little puppies to find homes for - interested? Just send us an e-mail at tony.cassidy1@virgin.net

11 Nov ~ Firstly, Happy 5th Birthday to Bugsy, Cilla, Matsy and Nico for today ~ progeny of Katie's first litter. Joyce has supplied us with a couple of pictures of Nico (see below).

Secondly, update on Abbie's puppies. From the biggest to the littlest all are gaining size and weight with all eyes now well and truly open, ears look to be a day or two before the plug goes and they can hear for themselves the noise they make when they want food. Poor Abbie cannot produce sufficient milk for all seven so we are supplementary feeding them by pipette - certainly helps get a reasonably decent nights sleep!

Abbie_Olwyn_Oona_Odelle_Opal_Orla_Olive_Olga-2022_11_09.jpg Nico-2022_11_07.jpg
Abbie, Olwyn, Oona, Odelle, Opal, Orla, Olive, Olga Nico

26 Oct ~ Happy 7th Birthday to Rosie and Mouse for today ~ progeny of Lucy's first litter; and of course the same Mouse is the daddy of Abbie's pups.

24 Oct ~ Congratulations are definitely in order today to our own dear little Abbie. Over the space of 3-half hours Sunday morning, starting at 0410 and ending at 0743, she gave birth to seven little girls (3 Blenheims and 4 Tricolours) without a scream or a murmur. It was like a succession of Harry Potter moments ~ no puppy, here puppy! Following a little tradition of ours, as it's the month of October their names all begin with O and in order of appearance in this world they are Orla, Olga, Opal, Olive, Oona, Olwyn and Odelle. With the good Lord's help a few of our waiting list should have an extra mouth to feed in the run-up to Christmas. Picture below taken just three hours after the last pup entered the world, whilst the one with mum is a few hours later.

Abbie_Litter_3 - 2022_10_23.jpg Abie_Odelle_Opal_Oona_Olive_Olwyn_Orla_Olga - 2022_10_24.jpg

20 Oct ~ Today we remember with great fondness the birthday of our first ever Cavalier way back in 2000 ~ who never stopped playing with toys right up to her passing over Rainbow's Bridge on 2011.