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Welcome to Katie's home page. Our young Ruby lady, courtesy of Lee Holton of Ticonjah Cavaliers in Wiltshire. Well worth the wait and like all of our girls is fast moving and fast sleeping ~ and also very averse to going outside in the rain! She gave Amber a new lease of life in her senior years before we lost her over Rainbow's Bridge as she followed her everywhere and they could quite often been found snuggled up to each other. Making a super, instinctive mum with her first litter (Cilla, Matsie, Bugsy and Nico) in 2017 we had to leave a long enough gap to ensure a complete recovery from her caesarean before mating her again in 2019 and along came Ruby, Dash and Bertie in March. Sadly her third litter in October 2020 proved to be her last one with only one surviving pup (Annabella) because of medical complications resulting on spaying and an emergency blood transfusion.

It has not slowed her down however because even though she is more mature(?) now it doesn't stop her chasing or taunting Abbie to play/play-fight/chase at the drop of a hat! Other participants in the various high-speed chases involve Ziva and occasionally Crystal with Willow as a rare participant ~ ours can be a noisy house ours can, usually involving pausing the TV programme we are watching until they get bored or quiet!

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Reviewed:~ Feb 2024